Scouts Australia


Brent Juratowitch “Jacala”

The Chief Commissioner of the ACT Branch of Scouts Australia is responsible for leading the development, presentation and implementation of scouting activities for the ACT Branch.

The Chief Commissioner works closely with the Branch President and the Branch Executive Committee to lead the senior uniformed leadership group, and to develop and deliver the strategic goals and operational milestones of the Branch.

The Chief Commissioner leads a volunteer team that represents and advocates for the ACT Branch at local, national and international levels through scouting meetings and events including through membership of the Scouts Australia National Operations Committee and the National Council.

Daniel Bartlett “Shingleback”

The Deputy Chief Commissioner provides high level strategic direction to support the delivery the Scouting Program in the ACT, supports the ‘Youth leading, Adult supporting’ philosophy of Scouts Australia and develops initiatives that support a culture of respect, diversity and inclusion in Scouts ACT.

The Deputy Chief Commissioner works closely with the Assistant Chief Commissioners and Branch Commissioners to provide assistance, advice and support to the Chief Commissioner, contribute to the development and delivery of objectives as detailed in the Scouts ACT Strategic Plan, resolve issues as they arise and lead the implementation of Scouts Australia adult training and development initiatives within Scouts ACT and contribute to the development and delivery of cultural change

Shaylah McClymont

Shaylah leads the Program Team which is responsible for continuing to embed and grow the Youth Program in all Units across all Groups, while developing opportunities for young people to enjoy the benefits of Scouting. It will do this through:

    • Facilitating formal youth engagement and involvement in Branch decision-making
    • Supporting youth-led projects
    • Embedding the program in units across all groups and sections
    • Facilitating the achievement of a benchmark of program delivery across all units
    • Reward and recognise youth achievement
    • Facilitate branch program events and activities
    • Support youth participation in international activities and events initiatives within Scouts ACT

Andy Butt  “Werrup”

The Training and Development team is responsible for delivery of the adult and youth training programs as well as the management of the adventurous activities team. They will work to improve training practices to build leader capacities through:

    • Ensuring all leaders are fully trained to deliver the Program
    • Improving the leader training experience through trialling new models of course delivery
    • Developing and deploying adventurous and specialist program expertise to make a full youth program available to all units
    • Empowering unit leaders to manage risk and deliver safe programs, including adventure, calibrating nationally-agreed risk tools to local regulations where compelled
    • Promoting greater integration of VET outcomes into the Scout Program
    • Supporting leader training through Section focused events and activities
    • Supporting youth achievement through focused youth leadership training and development programs

Andrea McCarron Benson

The People and Culture Team is responsible for supporting a culture that is true to the Promise and Law and promotes the safety and development of youth and adult members. The team is responsible for:

    • Supporting growth in membership that mirrors the diversity of the community more closely
    • Ensuring that Scouting continues to demonstrate an inclusive culture, as a welcoming and safe place for all of its members
    • Manage Child Protection and Child Safety incidents
    • Managing breaches to the Code of Conduct
    • Ensure that child-friendly complaints procedures are in place and accessible
    • Ensure compliance with National, State and Scout policies and processes in regard to Child Protection and Child Safety

The Assistant Chief Commissioner People and Culture will review and consult on existing policies, procedures, systems, processes and practices in relation to these areas and propose and implement improvements to deliver best practice.

Position Vacant

The Group Support team is responsible for providing group support, group development, heritage activities, and program support through the Scouting Fellowship. This includes:

    • Providing support to groups across the branch, group support, group development, Camp Cottermouth, to identify and address common issues and grow Scouting across the Branch
    • Providing targeted support to groups to maintain and grow membership
    • Working with community organisations including schools to promote Scouting and develop new groups
    • Providing support and development for the growth and engagement with the ACT Heritage Team
    • Providing support and development for the growth and engagement with the Scouting Fellowship
    • Working with the Camp Cottermouth committee and managers to ensure the camp is able to provide an environment suitable for delivering the Scouting program, support major Scouting events and activities and is an attractive destination for non-Scouting clients

The Assistant Chief Commissioner Group Support will also review and consult on existing policies, procedures, systems, processes and practices in relation to these areas and propose and implement improvements to deliver best practise.

Casey Magnussen

The BRC Chair is responsible for Chairing the meetings of the BRC and BRC Executive, ensuring that
the BRC functions smoothly and effectively, and ensuring that required actions are followed up. They also:

  • Lead the strategic direction of BRC and ACT Rovers and implement the ACT Rover Strategic Plan.
  • Work with the Executive and Sub Committees to ensure they can perform their roles successfully.
  • Ensure that the ACT BRC is represented on other bodies and councils by attending:
    • National BRC Chair's Meetings (Bi-monthly)
    • National Rover Council Meetings (Bi-monthly)
    • Other bodies and councils as appropriate