Scouts Australia

Scouts ACT News

  Scouts in ACTion Archive


Hello Everyone

My name is Brent Juratowitch and from today I have taken on the role of Chief Commissioner of Scouts ACT. The purpose of this message is to introduce myself and provide what I hope will the first of my monthly updates on where Scouts is at in the ACT.

Firstly I want to acknowledge the dedication and hard work undertaken by Rick Goode who has finished his six year term as Chief Commissioner. Rick had the unenviable job of being the Chief Commissioner during bushfires, hail storms, the introduction of the new program, the introduction of automated forms and then to top it all off a pandemic that sent scouts indoors. Well done Rick and best wishes to you as you deservedly take a break from scouting in the next little while.

My background is that I started as a cub on the Central Coast of NSW ultimately leaving with my Queen Scout Award to study overseas. I returned back to Scouts in 2012 as a parent and was soon ‘encouraged’ to become a Scout Leader at Amaroo Scout Group. After working with Amaroo for five years, I took on the role of Assistant Chief Commissioner Business Change and then then Assistant Chief Commissioner Groups where I have been working closely with Group Leaders on delivering the scout program in the ACT.

Working with Rick, the BEC and my fellow Commissioners Scouts, I can confidently say that Scouts in the ACT is stronger than you think. We have

  • 31 Groups and 6 Rover Units;
  • 115 sections;
  • approximately 2,500 members (both adult and youth);
  • we have waiting lists that for some groups stretch to 18 months; and
  • on any weeknight, 23 scout meetings are occurring.

If we had to pay for all the hours that leaders put into delivering the Scout Program, the total value would be approximately $6.3m per year.

While we are stronger than you think, we do need to constantly make scouts a welcoming and inclusive space for our members; many of our halls need major upgrades; we need more adult leaders; and we need to do something about the 80 odd families who want to join their local scout group but can’t. The Branch Executive Committee is very focused on these challenges, but it will take time and they will our need help if they are to succeed.

As Chief Commissioner, I look forward to meeting as many of you as I can in the near future but if you would like to make contact in the interim, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours in Scouting

Brent Juratowitch