Scouts Australia


Lianne Halling “Onya”
  • Providing advice on Milestones and program essentials
  • Supporting Peak Awards, including planning, reflections and award ceremonies
  • Take the lead in organising the peak award ceremonies and events at the Branch level.

Bryn Catlin
  • Support leaders in delivering the Scout Program with a particular focus on the support and advice to those coordinating major events including advertising for and recruiting contingent leaders
  • Create and manage templates for event budgets, programs, risk assessments and other documents to ensure standards and requirements for all events are consistent.
  • Provide advice to, and support teams that are managing Branch events.
  • Advertise and recruit contingent leaders and support them where appropriate in their role.
  • Ensure a wide variety of ACT Branch events occur regularly for all members to engage in, coordinating people to run these events.

Jay Reid "Kingfisher"
  • Supporting Unit Councils
  • Supporting Branch youth councils, including the Branch Scout Council, Branch Venturer
  • Council, and Branch Rover Council
  • Organising events and opportunities to gather ideas and input from youth members

Georgia Elliott
Promoting and supporting international events and programs, including:
  • Contingents to overseas events
  • Branch Friendship Tours
  • Pen-Pals
  • Scouts International Student Exchange Program (SISEP)
Representing Scouts ACT as a member of the Scouts Australia International Team

Stephen Smart
  • Assisting the Branch Commissioner, International in promoting, and supporting international events and programs.

David Cossart

The Branch Commissioner, Gang Show will support leaders in delivering the Scout Program with a particular focus on supporting youth to produce a Gang show production with a strong focus on links to the program in the areas of SIA’s but not limited to these areas. Undertake administrative functions for Canberra Gang Show.

  • Appoint the Activity Leaders involved in the production of the Gang Show.
  • Lead and manage the ACT Gang Show as Producer and Executive Director.
  • Lead and manage the finances, creation and public presentation of the Show, and has
  • ultimate responsibility for all aspects of the Show.
  • Encourage Youth to participate in Gang Show with an emphasis on Youth Leading.
  • Encourage Youth to co-ordinate their engagement and involvement in the show with
  • appropriate program outcomes such as SIA’s and VET qualifications.

Evan Long            

Craig Robilliard

Calista Beck
  • Assisting the Branch Rover Council to develop and achieve its goals
  • Supporting and mentoring Rover Units, especially those without a Rover Adviser
  • Representing Scouts ACT as a member of the National Rover Council, alongside the BRC Chair and NRC Delegate