The Branch Commissioner, Training will coordinate the delivery of Wood Badge training and development related services principally to adult members of Scouts ACT, and some older youth members, to support the Youth Program. The position does so through targeted and ongoing advice, assistance, and information sharing in relation to Wood Badge training, via a variety of mechanisms.
The Branch Commissioner (VET) (BC VET) works with the SAIT Assessor, with key responsibilities of providing support, assisting in the selection, recruitment and on-going support of SAIT Assessors, and in the sign-off of qualifications for appropriate processing and issue. The BC VET will undertake responsibilities as outlined, working closely with National and Senior Branch members and employees as outlined. The BC VET will provide support in the assessment of nationally accredited Units of Competency through a process of Recognition of Prior Learning – (RPL) for the assessment of Training Packages on the scope of Scouts Australia Institute of Training (RTO 5443). The role will assist in ensuring that SAIT remains a compliant, vibrant and relevant RTO to its members and potentially the wider community and assist in supporting SAIT initiatives for growth and development. |
The Branch Commissioner, Youth Leadership Training & Development will:
The Branch Commissioner, Outdoor Adventure Skills will support leaders in delivering the Scout Program with a particular focus on the provision of OAS Program activities to ensure opportunity for all youth members to participate in all OAS programs as they choose. The Branch Commissioner, OAS will liaise with the Adventurous Activity Commissioner and activity team leaders to develop OAS-aligned programs for delivery. These may occur at Group or Section levels, or at dedicated, OAS stage-based events (e.g. Stage 4 Bushcraft - “Introduction to Pioneering” day, Stage 5-7 - Cycling - "multi-day Cycle Touring expedition", etc.
The Branch Commissioner, Adults in Scouting will work to encourage, promote and improve the expectations and experiences of engaging in Scouting:
The Branch Commissioner Groups will support the ongoing delivery of the Scouts ACT Group Support function. The pulls together expertise from our scouting community and advocates for Scouts ACT to efficiently and effectively manage all matters supporting the operation of Groups in a professional manner. The Branch Commissioner Group Support North will:
The Branch Commissioner Branch Equipment provides support to the ongoing operations of Scouts ACT and Camp Cottermouth. By working in conjunction with the Camp Managers, maintain camping activities and facilities to enhance the camping experience at Camp Cottermouth. The Branch Commissioner Branch Equipment will:
The Branch Commissioner, Branch Assets will manage the ongoing logistical support, management and ensure the availability of key Branch Assets to support the Scouting Program. |
The Branch Activity Leader – Heritage Team Leader will lead and manage the ongoing delivery of the Scouts ACT Heritage function: