Scouts Australia

Vacant Positions

Our dedicated Youth Program Leaders and Adult Helpers and Supporters deliver the youth program across Canberra. These volunteers organise and support our Units to undertaken fun and challenging Scouting activities and events that develop skills in young people such as leadership, teamwork, problem solving and communication.

The Branch Headquarters supports Units across the ACT, and has several role available to suit a variety of interests and availability:

Volunteer Roles at Scout Groups

There are many opportunities to have fun volunteering with youth members in Scout Groups across the ACT.

Joeys 5-7 year olds

Cubs 8 – 10 year olds

Scouts 11 – 14 year olds

Venturers – 15 – 17 year olds

Group Roles – Gungahlin

Group Roles - Belconnen

Group Roles – North Canberra

Group Roles - South Canberra

Group Roles – Woden

Group Roles – Weston Creek

Group Roles – Tuggeranong

Youth Member Roles

Branch Roles - Program Team

Please contact Felicity

Branch Roles - Program Support Team

Please contact Andrea